This Website Is Hosted On GreenGeeks (US Datacenter)

Hi there!

You’ve stumbled across a test site that the team have set up to test the capabilities of GreenGeeks.

Why? Because we’re passionate about reviewing host providers. And we think the best way to get up-close and personal with them, is as a customer.

And that means testing hosts with our homegrown Bitcatcha speed test tool.

GreenGeeks currently have 4 data centers located in Phoenix, Chicago, Montreal and Amsterdam.

We’ve actually had an account with GreenGeeks since May 2019, hosted from their Canada center. That’s becase we wanted to see if it could make the cut as one of the best hosts for Canadian websites (spoiler alert, it definitely did).

GreenGeeks is run by a team with over 40 years of experience in providing high-quality website hosting. Customers should expect the ‘best of breed’ server hardware, cutting-edge software offerings and awesome customer support.

One of their big USPs is their focus on leaving a positive energy footprint. They replace (with wind power credits) 3x the amount of energy your site uses!

At Bitcatcha, we believe that the 2 most important things to any website host are Speed and Uptime. You’ll find a tracker of both at the bottom of this page (set up back in Mar 2020 and accumulating data ever since).

Let’s take a closer look.

Which Plan Is This Site Using?

We’ve signed this site up for GreenGeek’s Ecosite Pro on a 12 month plan, hosted from their US dataservers.

This plan sets you back a modest $5.95 a month (introductory pricing).

We installed WordPress through cPanel’s Softaculous installer and set up the free Let’s Encrypt SSL cert in a couple of minutes.

They also offer a 30-day money back guarantee.

Results: GreenGeeks Uptime (June 2020 – Today)

We started monitoring this website since June 2020. For every 5 minutes, the monitor will send a ping to this website and record its response. The data below shows the accumulating uptime data ever since the monitor is activated. The data is rounded to the nearest 2 decimal points.


Results: GreenGeeks Server Speed Test Results

We have put GreenGeeks to the test by having a look at its server response speed. We pinged this website from 10 different locations around the world and assign a rating for it. Here are the test results:

Rating: A+
Worldwide Average Speed: 118.6 ms
US Average Speed: 36.5 ms
See The Full Report